Life Insurance

30-Year Term Life Insurance Explained

Joshua Cox-Steib | Mar 20, 2024

Term life insurance policies are one of the most popular and affordable types of life insurance. Despite their lower cost, they can provide higher coverage amounts compared to other types of life insurance.

Term life insurance can significantly increase financial security for families and individuals. However, to fully understand its value, it’s important to first grasp what term life insurance is and how it works.

What is a 30-year term life insurance policy?

A 30-year term life insurance policy provides a death benefit to the beneficiaries if the policyholder passes away within the 30-year term, as long as premiums are paid.
The term of the policy is fixed at the time of purchase and can typically be 10, 20, or 30 years. If the policyholder survives the 30-year period, the policy expires, and no payout is made. While term life insurance is generally more affordable than permanent life insurance, there is a risk of outliving the coverage if the policyholder lives beyond the set term.
How much does 30-year term life insurance cost?
The cost of a 30-year term life insurance policy is generally more affordable than permanent life insurance because it lacks features like cash value accumulation. For people in their 20s and 30s, monthly premiums for a 30-year policy can often be under $100, though the rate can vary based on the death benefit amount. This affordability is one reason why term policies are commonly used in group life insurance plans.

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What happens to term life insurance when it expires?
When a term life insurance policy expires, it is no longer active, and the insurer will not pay out any benefits to the beneficiaries. However, many policies offer the option to renew for an additional term. Depending on the insurer, your circumstances, and the terms of the policy, you may be able to extend the coverage. Keep in mind that because you are older at the time of renewal, your premiums are likely to increase.

Who is a 30-year term life insurance policy ideal for?

Life insurance needs vary from person to person, but a 30-year term policy could be the right choice for those with long-term financial commitments, plans, or goals that extend over roughly 30 years. You can use the Surevix online tool to help assess and calculate the coverage amount that suits your situation.
  • Young professionals planning ahead
    If you’re just starting your career after college or planning a family with your spouse, a 30-year term policy can be an excellent option. This kind of policy typically provides coverage until you’re in your fifties or sixties, giving you peace of mind as you plan your future.
  • Parents with special needs children
    For parents of children with special needs, securing long-term financial stability is often a priority. A 30-year term life insurance policy can help ensure your child is financially supported in the years to come, even if you’re no longer around to provide for them.
  • Homeowners with a 30-year mortgage
    If you’ve recently taken out a 30-year mortgage, aligning your life insurance policy with the term of the mortgage can provide protection for your family. Should something happen to you, your family will be able to stay in the home without the financial strain of an unpaid mortgage.
  • People with 30 years or more until retirement
    For those with several decades left before retirement, a 30-year term policy can offer financial protection against the unexpected. It can provide your loved ones with income replacement in case something happens to you while you’re still working and earning.
  • Anyone seeking the best life insurance rates
    One of the advantages of term life insurance is that it often comes with the most competitive rates, especially if you purchase a policy when you’re younger and in good health. With a 30-year term policy, you can lock in affordable premiums for an extended period, securing long-term protection for you and your family.
Term Life Policies with Surevix
Surevix offers both simplified and fully underwritten term life policies for qualifying applicants. The simplified policies feature a streamlined application process, making it quicker and easier for you to apply. On the other hand, fully underwritten policies involve a more detailed application, but they typically provide higher coverage limits. While most applicants don’t need a medical exam, fully underwritten plans do require answering some health-related questions to help determine premium rates.
If you’re looking to get life insurance online, explore a 30-year term policy with Surevix and receive a personalized quote today.

30 year level term life insurance FAQs

How much does term life insurance cost for a 30-year old?

The cost of term life insurance for a 30-year-old can vary depending on factors like gender, health, coverage amount, and term length. To get a personalized quote tailored to your specific needs, simply click on “Get My Quote” for more details.

What happens after 30 year term life insurance?

Once a 30-year term life insurance policy expires, the coverage typically ends unless the policyholder decides to renew or convert the policy. It’s important to review your renewal options, as premiums may change upon renewal.

Can you get a 30 year term life insurance?

Yes, it is possible to acquire a 30-year term life insurance policy depending on your age and eligibility. These policies provide coverage for a fixed period, offering financial security for your loved ones. To explore available rates and coverage options for a 30-year term, check your personalized quote. We’re also here to assist you!


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